Friday, October 17, 2014

goldstine divulge incoherent

Taking care of housekeeping first:  I got a note from Sue who sent this about a show of Lisa Kokin's out in Mill Valley.  I've been tooting her horn the last few blog entries.  If you are anywhere near, GO!  And of course then tell me about it!
Artist talk with Lisa Kokin

This Saturday, October 18
5 - 6pm


Facsimile: Lisa Kokin

October 1 - 30, 2014

The photography day went well, but as soon as the photographer left I was faced with finding all my stuff and putting it back where I use it!  It was nice to see my countertops for awhile plus they are preserved in pictures so I can remember what it's supposed to look like!  I don't know when it will be online, just hope it brings a few folks in to look. Meanwhile nothing has happened as far as building goes.  Tomorrow we get pressure washed and get the windows washed (hopefully) and that means I will be holed up with the canines in the studio to keep the barking down-  they are quite unhappy when there are men crawling all over their property!

Tonight TY wasn't feeling well, a bad headache,  and neither of us get those very often.  Fortunately we now know he doesn't have Enterovirus, but he takes small comfort in my charts-

But he's now resting comfortably and I have the remote to myself.  And thinking compulsively of gingersnaps.

So instead of giving in to a need to make them, let's talk some ant-speak!

Collage artist Travis Bedel  continues to make intriguing collages with imagery acquired from field guides, textbooks, and vintage etchings. Bedel, who works under the moniker Bedelgeuese, makes both physical and digital collages that form a wild amalgamation of botanical, zoological, and anatomical imagery.

Using nothing but wire, sculptor Clive Madison creates tangled trees that grow from wooden bases into dense clusters of leaves and branches. Each piece is made by hand without glue or solder, using single strands of wire that start at the base and terminate at the top. You can see many more pieces on his website

And we'll take our leave with this spooky costume show-  More of these to follow, of course, interspersed with squirrels.  This is actually how we used to trick or treat!

1 comment :

Max said...

I can remember wearing one of my mothers dresses and the hat she wore for her wedding as a halloween costume one year when I was a kid. Went to a party last year and the host and hostess were about 45 minutes late showing up because their make up artist took too long . . . think things have gotten out of hand!