Knitting, Knotting

Hmm, I think I might have mentioned I won't be knitting for babies any more but I got carried away again with #4 on his/her way.
This is the old Eliz. Zimmerman pattern for the Baby Surprise jacket, again using up yarn I had on hand- LOTS of yarn still left too. I think I've made this little jacket about ten times, always have fun knitting it because I never know where I am in the process, just have to trust it! I just love Koigu yarns and the way the colors work together. Here I used i-cord around the edges and have a couple of little wooden buttons for the top front.  

Bebe stroller blanket, Koigu

leftover Koigu Shawl, pattern adapted (a lot!)

Leaf Pattern Lace-  gift

Rayon Metallic Shawl (with matching shell top)

Yellow Linen Double Sided Cable Scarf

Elias' Car Seat Blanket

 Scarves for 2010 Holiday Presents

My current nemesis, in progress if you can call it that.

(not in any particular order, just how they are coming out of the computer when I find them!)

My favorite Noro socks because they don't have to match.

Knitting in hexagons, I love the way this shawl came out!  I may have to stick around for a snowfall this year so I can use it.

Silken Straw shawl, a PITA to knit, but with a lovely drape.

Turtle and Goldfish Hats for the Grand-Twins of a friend's, as modeled by a spaghetti squash

Felted booties
Alligator Scarf for my granddaughter
Lizard Ridge, gift for Nate.  he has just asked for an 18" extention to the length.  I'd rather wrestle King Snakes in a pit.

Full Range of Baby Stuff, first grandchild, what can I say...  lady overboard!

made from Mickey Lawler's cast off edge trimmings of her fabulous painted fabrics

The only sweater I have actually seen on my granddaughter (!)

(not knit by me, repurposed from a favorite sweater)
I regret to say I have only seen two of these items ever on her, and the same one on my new grandson.  Somehow I was hoping for more enthusiasm on their part after I charged in so whole-heartedly.  So, that's the end of knitting for kids.

Koigu Toreador Jcket

Too heavy to actually wear, wooly booley

Crocheted Linen with bakelite dangles

Wool with crocheted dingles

Dart and Fan Lace, first lace attempts

plus a hundred or so really ugly sweaters along these lines: