Friday, June 19, 2015

purposive detestation gamesman

Pretty Squirrel purse

Thwarted at every corner today!  I needed to stop at Walmart (don't judge me-  it's the only place that carries my hair stuff) and got two phone calls with 'emergency' status (only to the callers!) before I could check out with my one item.  I headed for the studio, turned on the lights and AC since it's 92 today, and got to slashing on the quilt-  made two cuts and the phone rang again, this time by a woman from the construction office wanting me to meet her at the house in half an hour to discuss window sills.  Like I give a cap about window sills.  But I showed up, she was late, I apologized for losing it to the guys putting in the doors yesterday, and told the floor guys how much I like the stairs, 'Bueno!'  I said with thumbs up.I need to make a whole bunch of new cookies-  who different crews now- ones doing the stuff that matters, or in the case of window sills doesn't matter.
The octopus on the second floor, sorta like the elephant in the room!  Two weeks ago the place looked spiffy, this week it looks like hell, crap everywhere, guys everywhere, piles of lumber everywhere, giant saws in the dining room...  But it will be like childbirth, I hear, once it's over there is no pain.  Ouch.

And the Crazy Hoot Owls of History
General Paralyra of the Insane

'Something' of Pride

'Something' of color and bicycle wheels!  Let's spend some time outdoors!

As part of the Figment NYC outdoor festival, Izaskun Chinchilla Architects have created an architectural canopy built out of recycled materials. The “Organic Growth” pavilion is a large structure, constructed from discarded materials such as broken umbrellas, tripods and bicycle wheels assembled together to create a series of plant-like clusters. Speaking about the project the designers said, "We have carefully studied natural structures that can grow up and down to adapt context and time circumstances.

One of my new favorite Tumblrs to follow is Un gif dans ta gueule… (roughly ‘A gif in the mouth…’) run by French photographer and animator Nicolas Monterrat who brings his surreal sense of humor to historical photos, paintings, and other borrowed imagery by creating bizarre and humorous animations. Collected here is just a sampling, do yourself and dive into his archive, you won’t regret it. 

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