Thursday, May 26, 2016

anchorage salvation atmospheric

'If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. '  Will Rogers

Squirrel Crochet, found on easy.

I'm gonna stick this in here because it's come at a time I need i most.  I have been adamant that I simply cannot vote for either side in this coming election-  I don't like either platform, can't stand the rhetoric and fighting and lack of diplomacy and am willing to forego having to choose.  But WHAMMO, my knights have ridden out of the mist and headed for Orlando (so close yet so far away!) and are exactly what I am looking for in candidates.  I always suspected I was a Blue Dog Democrat or perhaps a Libertarian and sure enough I am now stepping officially into the Libertarian corner standing firmly with Johnson and Weld.  Thanks god I got my IND registration in on time!  May they get their platform out and loud, I know there are others like me...hopefully enough to make a difference.  There I said it.  Geesh, next I'll be talkin' religion~ don't get me started!!

News from the Ganymede:  In the cutting-up-quits department, I am stellar!  Who knew it was so addictive?  I've lost count how many I've cut up but my stack of center circles (that I cut from the centers to thread on the song tube) is now

OVER 10"!  Each 'pancake' is one layer of quilt.  I am thinking of making a key out of these center cuts (see, I still can't throw anything actually OUT!) so folks looking at the giant pile of cut up quilts can see what the original looked like.  Depends on how much time I have after I get my FOURTH MOVE within a year finished up and get back into the studio.  Like I'll have any energy at all after that.  Anyway, thought you'd like to see the progress.

 In Cloth Lullaby: The Woven Life of Louise Bourgeois (public library) — one of four marvelous children’s books about the life of ideas I recently reviewed for The New York Times and a crowning curio among the loveliest picture-books celebrating cultural icons — writer Amy Novesky and illustrator Isabelle Arsenault trace the thread of Bourgeois’s creative development from the formative years of her unusual childhood to the pinnacle of her success as an artist.


French artist Edouard Martinet assembles faithful interpretations of birds, crustaceans, insects, and other creatures with countless objects from discarded bicycles, cars, and household objects. A bicycle pump forms the abdomen of a dragonfly, windshield wipers serve as the legs of a fly, or the metal logos of a bicycle manufacturer are layered to create the dense scales of a fish. All the more incredible considering Martinet never welds or solders his pieces, but instead uses only screws or fasteners, selecting only the perfect components that “fit” each assemblage like a puzzle. 

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