Tuesday, September 19, 2017

eigenvectors urochordate

“This day I have found something wonderful 
that I shall surely copy.” (Vincent van Gogh)

I'm back, but still getting waves of Pepper Thoughts hourly.  I see him asleep on the floor, nope, it's a dropped towel. I see him in his favorite place-  sleeping on bare floor under TY's desk, nope, it's a filing basket.  Of course it will lessen over time.  But right now I am working through some guilt for not *knowing* he was sick.  Hard to imagine but this guy was never sick, never threw up, never had runs, the only thing he was treated for were worms and they moved in with him when we adopted him.  Sigh,  my Other Guilt is Molly.  She is so not noticing he isn't here and has taken up from six years ago when she was an 'only'.  She is right on my trail as I load the dishwasher, run to the closet, throw in laundry, climb the stairs, or go try to pee alone.  At night she sits in my lap until it gets too hot, then she moves to my feet.  Like she's saying, 'Hey Mom, isn't it great to be just mommy and me again?  Huh?? Huh??"  Unbelievable.  I know she was put out by getting a brother at her advanced age but she is now trying to be MORE than I need in just one.  She is hysterical.

But enough about dogs, and enough about hurricanes.   I absolutely couldn't get beyond my catatonic state yesterday to start work on the studio so I can then start work on a project-  AND spend a bunch of learning curve climbing to get adequate on the Q20 machine that I have barely touched.  Much to do plus I have to get beyond my life of sloth to get things done for TYs return to the southland.  Today I got a reminder from my eye doc that I have an 8:30 appointment tomorrow.  Gonna be tough to be thee AND getting a scan across town, eh?  Yup, i double-booked and then didn't put either on my calendar.  And I always prided myself on keeping good track of stuff and did well while teaching and raising a couple of kids and dogs and being an exhibiting artist as well as community activities.  Now I have diddly squat to deal with and screw that up.  

SO, lets find the ARTY PARTY
we missed the other day and get on with life before that's gone too!

Portland, Oregon-based artist Lisa Ericson blends her hyperreallist painting style with a vivid imagination, resulting in fantastical combinations of plants and animals. Ericson tends to focus on one specific flora/fauna combination at a time, like hybrid mouserflies or coral fish. Her most recent series, Mobile Habitats, highlights turtles that support small ecosystems on their shells. From mossy knolls surrounded by fireflies to gnarled trees leafed with monarchs, each turtle-world evokes a specific time and place.

Here's to my brain returning and better days ahead!

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

A miracle has happened and Feedly is now bringing me your posts as they appear and seems to be providing me with access to all those that I missed during the long months when I couldn't connect to your blog either through Feedly or even by entering the URL directly. What a treasure trove! It'll probably keep me occupied for the next year as I, too, have misplaced my mind somewhere along the road from the "young old" years to these wobbly "middle old" ones!. -- Dianne