Saturday, September 23, 2006


I am automatic notification at Zappos, bless their hearts. I need these: Look carefully, the ankle strap is a deep eggplant color and it looks so good with the lavendar and bright green. If I had these shoes I would put them on a high shelf in my bathroom and just LOOK at them. They could go right next to the red and black feather mules from the consignment shop in Florida. The previous owner had worn them quite a bit but I never had occasion. Nor do I have occasion for green and purple ankle strap platforms, but a gal can hope.

Trouble is that I am getting precariously close to hip breaking age, not to mention that my plumpy body and short legs just wouldn't inspire the necessary awe. But damn, aren't they simply fabulous? I think I must have been a hooker in a previous life.

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