Sunday, November 26, 2006

Nurture Burro Braun

Yes, this is certainly a Happy Warholized Sandy.

Art Quilt Reviews Yea, my show got reviewed finally! Go check it out. I am particularly glad that it happened before the Gallery Talk on Wednesday as I don't expect many people to be coming after that with the holidays and all.

News on the Other Fronts: Number 1 Son and Amy took me out for Indian food and a movie today AND I got to stop into their apartment while waiting for them. I wrestled with Tuffy the Mexican Pit Bull who wags from her waist back and has some nice eyes, truly a very sweet doggie. And I got to revisit all my old *stuff* that #1S got when we sold the house. This coincided nicely with him moving to Atlanta so he took 2 family rooms worth of furniture and chatske with him. Now he's been back in Boston 4 years and this was my second time in his apartment, well, actually the third time if you count the day I found it for him while he was still in the south.

TY e-mailed me from Mexico today where he is sleeping in a thatched hut with mosquito netting and brushing his teeth with bottled water. And there was something about some Aztec Shaman sweathouse, but I am choosing to let it go. He says he is having a good time, personally I would rather get my good times in fancy hotels with spas and great restaurants. Guess that's why he is there and I am here!

And Mandy and Jamie are feathering their new Ipswichian nest in their minds for the next couple of weeks. I am having a hard time staying out of it as I thumb through all the Christmas catalogs and think they need this or that. But I am now officially zipped and will not make any more 'suggestions' unless asked. I promise. It is my goal to be as good a mother-in-law as I had- sure she had some quirks, but in the end I knew she just might pick me if she had to decide between the two of us, and that was amazingly comforting.

I finished the silk shawl from the yarn I bought in Philadelphia, and started another one from some fingering sock yarn that is beautifully soft and subtle- beats me what it is or where I got it, but I am about halfway on the second one and have to make myself stop so I can take it on the plane with me. This was the shawl with the dropped stitch pattern on th diagonal from, but I have made some changes justbecauseIcannotleaveanythingalone.

AND I will get the shots of the two new buck quilts up soon, at least before I leave.

Finally, this: Superglue Works on Teeth! Wish I would have known this before having two crowns replaced last week the 'old' way. I wonder if Liquid Nails would also work, I use it for everything else.

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