Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Anachronistic Cobb Crochet

There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it.
- Mary Wilson Little

Finally some things are happening as I planned without just joining the other thorns in my paw. I had sent in an order to National Geographic for a couple of gifts, received word they had been sent but I was in FL. I just hoped that someone in my building would put the boxes outside my door. Noting was there when I got home and it took me several days to go get my vacation-hold mail from the post office. About halfway down through the huge pile of catalogs was a flourescent green sticky note that there was a box waiting. So I asked the crack employee acting as a holiday greeter and she told me she wasn't allowed to go back and look for it. I had already waited in line over 20 minutes because I was watching the time for the parking meter, and I did NOT want to get back in line and re-wait and that was the option the greeter gave me. I left and hoped I could have it delivered. I was out all day yesterday and when I got home there it was! Yeaaaa, USPS. Something in their system worked right.

I do have to say that my local PO is the pits. They have a real arrogant old jerk on the desk who won't chat or smile or even make full sentences when you are trying to do a transaction, only snaps at you in monosyllables. Some day someone will 'go public' on this guy. But whoever is back there in the secret rooms with all the big canvas bins has their act together.

Yesterday I was asked to come visit the Lowell Fiber Studio and talk to them about my 'process'. They had all visited my show as a field trip and wanted to meet me and see what the hell I was about, so I trooped up to Lowell with two huge bags of 'process' in my trunk. And I talked and I talked and I talked... I meant to go about an ahour but when I looked at my watch I had yakked for 2 1/2. Those poor women- Trapped! But they all looked interested and no one was yawning AND they asked good questions that actually made me think. When I was packing up to go, they presented me with a little booklet they had compiled of all their reviews that they had written as a class assignment after going to the show and it was wonderful! Karen Bettencourt had done a magnificent job printing it and adding pictures and little dingbats on wonderful heavy deckle edge paper. It's something I will treasure forever, after I first make my whole family READ it.

And here are a couple more links I have been hoarding, things I love, or, as they say on HGTV, "I WANT THAT!":
Fiber Optic Fabric How long before I can get a yard or seven?

Paper Clones, a way of being there without having to BE there.

And finally, Skateboarding Mannequins This one just cracked me up.

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