Soooooo----- a laurel wreath for me to rest on. Temporarily.
(Rest on my laurels? Which part of me is that?)
The studio is all cleaned out, the dead flowers dumped and the still nice ones are reconfigured together so I can get a few more days of enjoyment from them. The quilts are all off the walls now and the place looks more like a working studio, so, I guess I should get to work!
I suffered a major setback on the blog yesterday- I went to put in a post and all my pictures were gone. I've spent the day reconstructing the ones I could find again, so if you see blank spots, let me know. I got real bored going back looking for the little blue question marks. I don't know what caused it- the new banner and settings or some other glitch, but I apologize. Sent along your own pictures and I will post them in random spots!
Now, One Last Thing- after I posted about Br'er I got some sweet messages about other people's bunnies so thought I better add the Rest of the Story. When my daughter was about 7 she wanted a pet so I thought we had had such luck with Br'er that we should get another bunny for her. It happened a good friend of hers had just gotten a beautiful gray lop so I called the family and put a bid in on it's brother. I went to pick him up and I tied a string around his basket and wrapped it all around the house for her to follow for her present. She was thrilled. Several nights later my BIL came over and was carrying the bunny around when he did his bunny wiggle and fell from his arms. He hid under the couch, very unlike him, but when I got him out it was obvious his leg was broken badly. The vet set it and Ashley dragged around the cast for weeks, but when it was removed the leg hadn't healed properly and I didn't think it fair to amputate and interfere with his bunniness. A very sad time.
A bit later I heard about another litter and went flying up to New Hampshire to pick up Amelia, a 'giant' lop. (This wasn't actually Amelia, but it looks just like her- the difference being she would never allow herself to be held!) She was adorable, a beautiful brown, but wouldn't let anyone near her. She developed an actual growl when we were in the same room, and she was also biting anyone who attempted to befriend her. The behavior was getting worse, not to mention the smell since she would put up quite a fight even for me to clean her cage (this one did NOT have free range because the kids were scared of her!) Finally someone said they would take her and wanted to breed her and offered me a pick of the bunnies. A few weeks later I went up and found Lily, Amelia's daughter, a darling little fluff ball we held all the way home. Within a few weeks she was making her attack mother look good! This one not only growled, she SNARLED.
So, the rabbit story doesn't end happily. I've never met another rabbit that was so antisocial as these two, and even after all the bites I got for my efforts, I am not discouraged about house rabbits. I just got a bad strain- maybe they were good for herding cattle or something like this!

1 comment :
Usually your posts are my afternoon smile, grin, nod of approval, etc but today it is my afternoon laugh! Antisocial, snarling bunnies...who knew.
Sandy Gregg was able to see the SAQA exhibit yesterday at the Guilford Art Center and left your "Fourth of Christmas" gift book for me. It's fabulous and I'll be sure to admire your elbow;^)
I'm glad in more ways than you know that you've modeled this 25 days of giving. Brilliant idea. Thanks. Diane
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