I am one happy camper tonight, took TY out to dinner to the Japanese overpriced place to celebrate. Had a lovely bowl of miso and greens with some crab floating on top, he had some steak and jalapenos in beef broth and a saki. Lovely dinner that didn't touch my bg numbers, could have had twice as much and they still wouldn't budge with this menu! The puppy store front next door was closed, thankfully. We always are compelled to stop in and play with their puppies when we eat there, but feel so badly we can't take them all home. I guess nobody was taking them home- they were all weird breed combos since they are being passed off as 'designer breeds' now instead of the cute and furry mongrels they really are. But the puppy thing is distracting me from the joy I felt at having someone finally love my quilt! I always did like this one, and it will now be a gift for her son who is a real fan of New Orleans and the music there. Yippeee.
This afternoon I also had invited a new friend stop by to use my design walls to block a bunch of scarves she has knit, so we only got about 12 of them up when I was out of the second box of pins and room! We got them saturated and I will check tomorrow to see if I can take the finished ones down and stick up the rest- no kidding, she has half again as many still unblocked! As a thanks she gave me a can of delicious Spanish olives stuffed with anchovies- that I am guaranteed to love.
The gelatin tray is still in my refrigerator untouched- too busy today to start it, will be gone on a field trip tomorrow, so maybe Thursday if it's not all dry and shriveled from age! If so I will just make more. I am still pissed I cannot find my 5# bag of gelatin, can't imagine what I did with it, so in the meantime I am opening all the little envelopes and it's a pain. I'll have to order another bulk bag if it turns out anything to keep.
Oh, the other time waster today was setting up the digital frame we got for Christmas, something I spent about 3 hours on the other day and couldn't get it to load. Well today I figured it out and got a bunch of photos on, but I need more- guess I will do some scanning when I get back to Newton an my fully loaded iPhoto program. I never transferred those pictures into my 'cloud'. Anyway, I changed cables and the pictures just flowed onto the frame as they were supposed to- why I don't know because they are different versions of the exact same cable, or so I thought. And the pictures are happily blinking at me across the room.
Other news, today Molly was sick-as-a-dog all day, poor thing. I think the problem was the almond handouts from TY all yesterday afternoon but by tonight she was begging to eat again so I made her homemade chicken and rice soup, carrots, no matzoh balls- sure fixed her up quickly!
Oh, can you just imagine...her son is going to be thrilled! What a great gift. Good for you.
I think Jitterbug Walz is very cool and I would love it too. Reminds me of my youth when we kids would go stand outside the lake Dance Hall and watch the dancers and the big bands that came.
Jo in MN
Hey, thanks! Glad you like it- it's always been one I like too, but I never sent it out on the circuit so it hasn't been seen all that much. I am just thrilled that a few of these oldies-but-goodies are dribbling out of the studio- guess I will have to be more pro-active in getting new people in to see stuff!
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