Monday, March 22, 2010

Mopey Monday, before coffee

Pretty much used the whole weekend to sit with my face in the Kindle finishing up two books.  I'm not talking great literature here, just some reading-for-fun mysteries before I tackle 'The Girl With...' series.  I didn't make it to the studio for two days in a row because of other things going on. TY was in a golf tournament so there was a wife to take care of one day. there was a wonderful seafood dinner extravaganza one night where I got to wear my mutton-dressed-as-lamb frock.  And of course the Lovely Molly needed some attentions, especially last night when the thunder and lightening rolled in. I grabbed her Thunder-Shirt and wrapped her in it but she was having a hard time and stayed glued to my leg for hours.  When I woke up at 4:30 this morning (don't ask!), I found her huddled in a far corner of the bedroom all trembly and stiff so hauled her back to the bed where she started to relax again.  But then *I* was up!  (I just went to find the link for the Thunder-Shirt and there, on the front page, was a little video of Joe Stains, an anxious Boston Terrier doggie I had recommended the Thunder-Shirt to!  Glad to see that it works as well on him-  I hated how he was shaking!)

One of my friends is a rug hooker and does lovely work.  She has told me about an artist, Deanna Fitzpatrick, a 'hooker' whose work she admires and brought over a video of her rugs for me to watch, so I was able to finally finish up that DVD with the house quiet.  It's so much fun to see artists doing things so different from my own work, yet as they talk about their process and thoughts, so much the same!  Go to the link to her website and read her blog.  It isn't about rug hooking as much as what she *sees* in her daily life up in New Brunswick-  the rug hooking is just how she translates those things she sees.  If you get your hands on her DVD, it's worth it-  maybe you know a rug hooker to borrow it from like I do!  Thanks, Susan! 

The ole Horror-Scope today makes me want to find a corner somewhere and curl up!  Maybe I should find my own Thunder-Shirt!
It's challenging to stay true to your energy today because you are picking up on thought forms that aren't your own. It's unusual for you to be so wired to what's going on that you have no room for your own ideas, yet the cosmic noise could be overpowering now. Acting with intention is fine, but don't forget there are other issues that also play into the current mix of events, so remain open to unexpected changes.
And as soon as it's light, I am off to the studio today, no dilly dallying!  And a note to Peggy-  thanks for the comment about the spring in the BSR-  actually the gal in the quilt shop mentioned there was a problem with some and that will be my next thing to investigate- today I will take the little mechanism in for her to check- but that will be it's LAST CHANCE before hitting the garbage pail!  Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Later, at the studio, there is something tearing down my outside wall, bang bang bang pulled up the shade and this is the culprit:
(As much as I dislike these Australian pines, they sure have graceful needles!)

And here is what I'm working on- one of the marble fabrics where I am hiding the marbles!
The "point" being to distort text, working title, 'Writing the Wrong', to be discussed later, but only in my own mind.  Odd enough? You betcha.

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