Sunday, May 09, 2010

Eavesdropping Report Boots

 And the Horror for the day is:
It seems as if everything has been taking longer than you expected, yet today you may see signs that the energy is ready to shift. But instead of impatiently pushing forward now, take time to finish up a project that continues to hang over your head. Give yourself a few more days to look back and get ready before initiating action on your new project.

Very interesting, eh, and fortunately not too much horror!  I am therefore giving myself a 'few more days' and that couldn't be a better plan because TY is leaving for the long ride home on Tuesday and I am busy making sure all the affiliated stuff is taken care of before he leaves.  Like I have to rent a car.  And pack the dog stuff up, as well as deal with her diarrhea that I can't seem to help.  TY will be a raging maniac if he has to stop for poor Molly every few miles, not to mention it won't be fair to her either.  Drat those cell phones anyway.

Guess I will make her some plain rice for tonight.

So today I am going back home and finishing up the shish kebob dinner I have in the works for all our childless mother pals on mother's day.  Note, no capitals...  I bought myself some fabulous flowers, I have finished up the Swamp Thang completely and it's rolled up ready for the car ride, and it's time to cook!  I bought two legs of lamb so I will have lots left over to tide me until someone takes me out to dinner at some point.  And this in the refrigerator too-

I'll wait by the phone for your call!  Even I get sick of lamb after a week or so.  But the good news is I will have two full weeks of studio time with no doggie interruptions-  time to get going on another project, probably the bridge plan.  Time to enter some shows coming up, time to clean out the refrigerator and look forward to Sylvia's visit.  (Not in that order.)

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