Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Life Beyond the Watermelon

The V&A has a quilt design program here where you can upload a picture and it transfers it into quilt squares and colors.  I started with this portrait of A Furry Faced Friend:
and in a minute they sent me back this as a pdf:

(Of course now that somebody else did it electronically I am not interested in the least to actually make a quilt like this!)  My second quilt on earth was one I graphed up by hand-  pre-computer days ya know- and I swore back then it was off my own personal grid to EVAH do it again)  Oh well, it's a cool tool.  Back in 1981 I remember someone had a very involved program that did this-  She made a whole succession of quilt of movie stars and the graphing was all done on some special computer-  I was mesmerized by the possibilities, now, not so much.

But isn't it nice that I posted something, ANYTHING, quilt related?  it's been a while, hasn't it?

OK, here we have the Winners of the Gowanus 2010 Jello Mold Competition with their logo poster:

Investigate the Gowanus website beyond the jello contest too, they rent their big studio space out by the day and offer some great classes and opportunities if you're near Brooklyn.

And finally, my last non-melon bit:  I lifted this picture of a nice warm bike taken in the Original Soho:

Subtle, huh/  Hard to find shoes to match.  I guess you have to unravel the wheels to ride.

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