Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Horror of it All, Again About Time

It may be difficult for you to express your changing perspective today because it's like trying to hit a moving target. Something or someone very dear to you can become a trap that leads your idealistic hopes so far astray that it's challenging to find your way back. Once again it feels as if time is running out, yet acting immediately is a smarter strategy than waiting any longer.
I keep getting warnings about time running out.  I guess I will just continue along with my head in the sand and ignore the warnings pretending I do not comprehend...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I got some good pictures from my orange roses early this morning.  I was up before it was fully light so available light was nice and soft.  The most gorgeous color, and I'm watching them open right before my eyes.  They will probably be all dried out and dead by tomorrow so I have to sit here watching them or I'll miss it all!

And the Project Update:
After we got back from dinner last night I sat up knitting to finish off the fronts on the sweater/coat.  I still have a few more strips to stick in the back but the fronts are now done and I can start working on the button band when I get bored with the darn woven strips (daily!).  Of course I also have to do the sleeves but that will be almost portable work again and I won't have to have the whole heavy thing draped across my lap to work.  I have NO idea how I will block this because of the size and weight, especially if it's wet.  Any suggestions from you experts?  I think I will block this as is before the sleeves go on to make it at least a little simpler.

And I now have all the pages ready to roll for the book.  I abandoned my need for purism and went ahead and mixed up fabric images with some inkjet images for a few things I couldn't find already printed.  Frankly I am kind of upset I didn't stick with making my own inkjet images for the whole thing but I had some fab planetary fabric that made many of the whole pages I didn't want to abandon.  Astronaut, Earth, Galaxy, Moon, Planets, Jupiter (ahem, where Grandy lives!), and Rings (for Saturn).  OK, that last one was a stretch, but I was getting a bit too obsessive and had to draw a line somewhere.  But I'm happy with it so far, and need to now just write the words-  simple satin stitch in capital letters, no fancy fonts, and then figure out a way to bind the pages together.  Badda bing, badda boom.

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