Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Breaking from the Earring Hunt

I've taken a few days off from the QR quilt and had some fun that didn't involve textiles! I went out to dinner with my son and fiance-in-law to celebrate the mailing of the save-a-date cards. We were headed also to a movie at the Coolidge Corner theater but got there a bit late and it was sold out. (In Brookline Conan OBrien has a cult following apparently.) I didn't feel like hanging around for 2 hours until the next showing so toddled along home.

Yesterday I had a visitor of the best kind, though his table manners forced us all to eat on the floor with our hands, a welcomed idea for the dog too!
My favorite grandson. He isn't actually incarcerated here, those are the bars that the town insisted we have on the floor windows in order to get an occupancy permit. This is actually the window the dog sits in front of all day and I am so grateful for the bars because Mr. Fidgity Fingers was able to unlock the window through the bars. Now I 'get' why they are there but years ago it was way off my radar screen.

I blocked the lace scarf last night before it cooled down from my frenzied midnight finishing. Why oh why does any sane person do lace work? The trouble is that it really takes concentration an this is possibly the easiest pattern on earth. I think I might have actually knitted it three or four times from all the UNknitting it required. I'd be going along great guns and realize I was working on one less stitch than I should have so would have to go backwards until it appeared again. Whatevah, as we say, it's done and not too embarrassing to give away.

Stop looking so closely- I found a mistake as I was patting it into shape last night, WAY too late to fix! Maybe it won't be noticed?

Switch gears: back to The Quilt that Won't be Ignored. And some Process, like I promised to keep up with. Here is the plan, and all the 6 values of fabric squares nicely separated into little baggies: neatness counts.

Here is one little section laid out in order and ready to sew, piece by damn piece- and then rip, piece by damn piece, and then REsew, DAMN piece by DAMN piece... 'cause if one little square gets turned around the whole bloody thing won't read.
So far. My QRreader won't pick it up yet so I can only hope that all is in it's correct placement. i won't know until every last square is sewn in place and too late to fix. I've already decided that if corrections need to be made they will be appliqued on, raw edge, by machine. This is not what I want to make my life's work!

Oh. Nevermind. I guess it has already been my life's work being a quiltmaker, hasn't it? Well, this is just gonna be one more cog in the wheel then. And this wheel is getting rusty and sticky and is in bad need of some good grease to get things running smoothly again. I think I need some deep new psychological problems that force me back into making quilts as escape- that's what seemed to produce my best work.

Happiness is the worst thing that can happen to creativity- squelches the need for submersion right down to nothing! And that dear pals, is my insight for the day. Discuss?


Mary Beth said...

OMG now I so want to do one of these. My phone wouldn't scan it either but I sort of think it looks for all the corners before it reads. That is awesome and I can't wait to see the whole thing.

Are you going to sew it all the columns and then all the rows together - that's how I sew all my gazillion squares together. Keeps them from going astray.

I'm quite seriously thinking of putting these on my business cards and also on future quilt as a second small label - just for name, email and contact info.

Julia Kelly said...

Have the same frustration- down to knitting a lace scraf- which refuses to lay flat and instead curls around so you can even see the detail!
Grandson is awfully cute and congrats on the upcoming union!