Monday, July 04, 2011


OK, that's the first one, on to a different take:

Two down, are you enjoying the folk dancing? Yet?

Last one done, next one explains it all

Who knew I was sorting algorithms? Wish I would have paid more attention back in HS math, but maybe the classes weren't very compelling- and THAT, dear readers might explain why I am headed in a few weeks to my FORTY-NINTH high school reunion, being billed as the 'Fifty-ish Reunion', because somebody counted wrong. Good thing all those old math teachers are long gone.

And I hereby promise that I won't do any more long lists of videos. I will edit. Promise.
Your dilemma today stems from needing to find a healthy balance between overly cautious planning and acting recklessly. Thankfully, your organizational skills are operating efficiently today, enabling you to handle a lot of information. Nevertheless, pay attention to the practical constraints on your time and energy. You can be a star if you practice some self-discipline before you're overcommitted.
Oh oh, they're askin' for self-discipline again and that bucket is empty.

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