Thursday, August 11, 2011

Giuliano Exaggerate Division

Yup, I can. Let's hypnotize some critters!

Rabbits, piece o' cake! I even have experience with hypnotizing rabbits. my old house Rabbit, Br'er was my subject. When he was a pup I discovered I could flip him on his back and rub his tummy and he would get stiff all over. I could pick him up and place him wherever I wanted and he would stay that way for a long time. Later on I performed this as a parlor trick for anyone who happened in my apartment with Br'er as a willing participant. No, I never took advantage, and he loved the 'rest'.

This I would call 'taking advantage' but it reminds me that my iPod crapped out and I have to reset it. OH yeah- that's why I got on the computer this morning...
This looks more like Br'er under my influence, so cute. Br'er was all black and would walk across the room on his hind legs for a chocolate chip. He also would steal the apple juice bottle from my baby daughter on the floor and run with it. All her bottle nipples were completely rabbit chewed and she would nearly gag on the fast flow of whatever she was drinking until I discovered the reason. My first 'bad mom' experience.

I've never tried to do a lobstah- though it may soften the shock of that boiling water bath.

Never tried this either, and don't you even think about it!

Puppies are easy, just watch 'em fall where they may and call it hypnotized. I watched one of my puppies on his first night with us fall over flat in his crate while I was talking to him in my motherly-pack-dog soothing voice.

Apparently fowl are easy pickin's too. Above, are a pair of pigeons and I guarantee they aren't dead, just a little nap after a treatment.

And this Italian guy has his way with chickens.

Like I told you, "HEY, I have an IDEA!"
Just like this guy.

And with that I must go try and solve my iPod problem just like I started out to do. Later...


Bobbi said...

Well about that bunny getting stiff when you rubbed his, uh, tummy. . . that happens to a lot of guys.

Sandy said...

Bobbi Bobbi Bobbi- I meant still ALL OVER! Like rigor has set in. Full Body Stiff! Umm, like a Stiff! And it was definitely limited to tummy rubs, after all it WAS a rabbit and we all know what they are known for.

linda colsh said...

holy cow, Sandy, this font you're using is eyeball busting. But the animal hypnosis stuff is good enuf to make me push thru it. Me? I used to be able to hypnotize a blue crab--and that's one of those little known & long lost talents of my youth.