Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Leprechuan Hosanna

B'gosh, I will be getting off to Dublin tomorrow with a better looking leprechaun than this, taller too.
We will be spending time in some version of this, probably traveling from place to place comparing Guinness...
Finally we will find the River Shannon, where we take a leisurely roll for a few days on a barge. It's supposed to be a very nice barge, we'll see. I am taking thirty books along just in case it rains the whole time.
And I'll see swans too, you betcha. Or not. I may be below deck making sure the rivets are all tight. I don't know what the blogging capabilities will be but you'll hear from me at my first chance. Wish me some Irish luck!

1 comment :

Terry Jarrard-Dimond said...

Chug a pint for me and have a wonderful trip!