Friday, August 05, 2011

Outgoing Eavesdropping Report*

* (I located my old file with the gibberish from spam that I used to use for blog headings! I am so excited to find it again- some phrasing is priceless. This time around I'll just use it randomly)

OK, so I took a little break. Basically I've been doing wash and picking up dirty dishes around the manse, so there isn't much I have to say. Oh, also the cable to my internets was busted so that had a bit of a cause on my silence. I visited my little kiddos and gave them the spoils of my trip but I was so busy holding the coonskin on Elias' head that I didn't get a picture. Hope that my daughter can rescue it from being a dog toy and send me one.

I did manage to find a few things that made me laugh before the cable went boooiiinnnggg and snapped back in my face- the rubber-band-effect. Which reminds me to take another picture of the ever expanding rubber band ball one of these days. It's gotten too large for many supermarket bands so growth hasn't been at the same rate as it was for a long time, Also, the plastic lizard I encased in it a few seasons ago has now all but disappeared- it will be a nice surprise for whoever gets to watch it disintegrate.

Some Things I WANT! First of all, on Blik, there is a series of wall decorations that involve heating grates. How much fun it this to have a guy wiggling his fingers at ya!
Or perhaps you prefer the goat looking out at the room? My birthday is coming (hint hint)
This I doubt comes in my size but I'm sure for those of you still in normal sizes, an Angry Birds Bra is just the thing. Found this at Geeks Are Sexy. I no longer play- it was give it up or up the blood pressure meds.
And this is what NOT to do as a kid if you want to wear cute bras as an adult. and most certainly never even consider an 'augmentation' unless you want to fall on your face and break more than your front teeth. Seriously, boobs keep growing forever, like rodent teeth, but they can't easily be filed down.
Remember this? "We Must, We Must, We Must Increase Our Bust!", chanting while alternately squeezing and releasing clenched fists in front of us? Well take it from me, stop it!

While collecting fodder for my fuel, I found some helmets of major importance. First I'll show you the human versions:

Imagine this family coming at you down the slopes... And what's with the finger in the pie- is it because none can see him touching the food or is it just wistful because nobody can eat through those things. Whatever. Assuming that the idiot in the apron is responsible for knitting these, AND making the the pie, she ought to be ashamed teasing her family that way. I can on;y figure that the pie had to be made way before she started the knitting project so I can imagine it's beyond it's sell-by date. On to more helmets---

This one, for your pet hawk is spectacular. Imagine how proud he will feel on your arm as you take him out hunting!
OK, not so much pride in the Steampunk Squirrel helmet, but it probably protects him electrically as he does his high wire act. Or maybe he is getting signals from his team members?
And my own chapeau, heavy duty 'Al-u-minimum' which offers similar protections~~~

That's enough file cleaning for one day. Maybe tomorrow I'll do pithy quotes, the only kind I save.

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