Thursday, September 22, 2011

Good Took Flow

Finally I get around to posting this fabric collage.  I was reminded by my post yesterday about Marimekko, and this blue sky fabric is from them.  Years ago I found it in remnants after it had been used in displays at Crate and Barrel so bought up as much as I could find.  Regrettably, their outlet no longer exists so the only way I can get it is retail and the prices just increased to $75 and up per yard.  You won't be seeing anything new here!  

Distracted Babysitters
26" x 20"
and detail below
For those of you who are interested in such things, I have collected redwork from all sorts of sources for many years and this is a compilation of maybe 10 different images.  Some are embroidered on linen, some on damask, some on cotton, and truth-in-labeling here-  some here are scans and printouts of images long gone.  All are hand embroidered though, none are that icky machine-made stuff that is all I can find any more.

So, if you want to talk redwork, here are a couple more collages from over the years:
 Attack Rabbits
vintage redwork, toiles, paint and collage on canvas
 Blind Tag
24" x 24"
anaglyptic wallpaper, vintage redwork, paint, found objects, collage on canvas.  The wee mice images have all been given dark glasses and white canes, and some have missing tails.

Larry, Daryl, and Daryl
20" x 20"
more Marimekko, vintage redwork, toile, tile setters and embroidery on vintage linen napkin.  Guinea Pigs named after Larry, my SIL's beloved pet.  his friends named after Daryl and Daryl, brothers on the old Bob Newhart show.

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