Sunday, September 18, 2011

Initial Plastic Receipt

Big News is that Mars is entering Leo today. What does that mean, you ask?  Well, basically this:
The essential issue is whether Leo will be in its open, creative and generous mode or its dominating and stubborn one. If Mars can keep it light and playful, the former will win; if it takes itself too seriously, the latter will. The greatest potential of this period, therefore, is for those who put play before conquest.
Duck and Cover.

Little News is that I am sitting here in the studio in my deserted industrial storage space and have so many piles around me that I have become psychologically rendered catatonic.  
 Holy Crap I have a lot of stuff.  Remember when I moved in here with just a pile of boxes?  But I digress.  What I need to do is zero in on the homesote boards over there on the left wall, a closer view is here---
 What I am seeing is not a quilt like I expected when I pulled all the stuff together.  I've got at least three quilts here.  The first one will be made from the two blue-squared quilts on the right-  the upper one I made years ago from a whole pile of old blocks with sashing pulled from my own old fabrics. Below that one is a top of 5-patch navy and white that I've never done anything with because there's too much white.  Boring.

Second piece is the center quilts-  the old wedding ring is threadbare, made by either my grandmother or a great aunt, I never got the story straight, but it's seen it's day-  and a few others!  Laying across diagonally, the mostly blue 9 patch quilt was an eBay find of similar vintage.  Many of those fabrics are shot and it's ready to sacrifice.  This is the one I may disassemble if I can't figure out how to use it as-is because it has a very thick batting.  Below that, on top of grandma's/great aunt's wedding ring, is a top I've had for years and is basically pretty hideous.  That pink makes my teeth hurt! I feel no love to save it so it too will be sacrificed.  Also I have a few blue churn dash squares leftover from the quilt on the far left-  the unused squares were not chosen for good reason-  they were cut off grain or used weird and cheezy fabrics but this might be the place for them.  I do have a few more but it will involve an archeological dig to locate them.

And finally, on the left is my old quilt from Telluride, the 'Contrary Wife' quilt.  I had it hanging in my family room for years to cover up a bad wallpaper job, and it wasn't in great shape when I found it.  I really like how it goes with the churn dash on top of it but it needs another element of different scale to get the Tim Gunn Make-It-Work seal of approval.  So, Process Peeps, there you go, my process for three new quilts.

Next, a little 'aside'.  I read Lonny Magazine online and for the most part enjoy it in spite of having aged out of it's readership demographic long ago.  Well, on page 40 there is a rattan table they are advertising for (sit down!) $10,500 in the UK-  actually that may be Euros, I don't remember, not that it matters in that stratosphere.  Here is the whole page but you can get there on your own through the Lonny link above.   Cute console table, eh?  Beachy.

Well, lemme tell ya!  Fifteen years ago I was furnishing our house in Florida on the cheap and found this rattan table in a catalog, on final, FINAL markdown with even more off, free shipping and they did everything but bring it to me with breakfast on it for $100.  We loved it for years, moved it from room to room as needs changed, though with every move it got closer to the back door!  Finally it ended up in my studio and holds my sewing junk as an auxiliary surface next to the machine.  Underneath is the perfect hiding place for the big box that new computers come in that you have to save 'just in case'.  Sure, its folds aren't quite as graceful as the $10K model, but I'm willing to forgive it's faults.  This one can be yours for, say, half the price of the one in the magazine!  I take Paypal...   LOL
Look-  even Studio Dog is smiling!

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