Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Main Side Project

Believe it or not, I'm on the hunt for more cigar boxes.  I had stacks and stacks left from my purse-making days, still with appropriate handles and hinges inside that I hadn't gotten at.  At the cigar store the guy, 'Bart', told me that 'the ladieeees put jewels on 'em and carry 'em places like purses'.  The cigar box purse market kind of collapsed around me, and I guess I was waiting for it to cycle back into favor.  So, the count in the big basket on the bottom shelf was about 12, mostly wooden and not pretty, or they would have been finished.  I was planning on decoupage or assemblage or something else classy-sounding.

So I started looking for new ones, sent TY on this errand because he frequents three different cigar bars around here.  He successfully came home with a huge bag full that brought the total up to 20:

And then yesterday we added 14 *more, grand total 34 so far.  And I am learning that I want the PAPER boxes, not the wooden ones.  Who knew.

         *make that 15- this one is cool-  has a guy with a motorcycle on the label, even though it's a wood box will use it somehow!  The name of the brand is FREAK!
          *found three more late they afternoon, none very impressive, all woodies

I am spending my free time stacking and unstacking them, removing the handles on the few that were almost purses, and now looking for appropriate labels to 'fix' a few of the plain wood ones.  The thing is, I will be talking about cigar boxes for the next 6 months and you'll just have to bare with me on this-  the truth of the plan will be revealed at some point.  Jut wanted y'all to know I am doing something that doesn't involve a remote control.

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