Friday, September 16, 2011

Smoggy Coal Mist

Whew, Bugs gone!  Thankfully the vacuum held up and I had the spiders on the run.  I've put away all my fancy new threads, plugged in all my appliances, set up the machines (and vacuumed them too just in case!) and replaced batteries in the keyboard and the mouse.  I will never again buy cordless mice.  I thought things were pretty much ready for business, but alas I just found a new pile of small corpses and have to get out the vacuum again.  UGH.  BUT, here is the Horror for today so, away I go!

You know exactly what you should be doing today, but your heart isn't into it. You are bored with someone else's agenda and don't want to chase a pot of gold that isn't at the end of your own rainbow. It's healthy to focus on your personal goals now rather than anyone else's. Just be sure that your heightened practicality doesn't stand between you and an otherwise delightful time.

Think as soon as I've done that I'll go home and take a shower. BUT before I leave, here are a few of the treasures I had forgotten about but just unearthed while unpacking the bins:

 I had found the dark purple ikat design linen (center medallions) in a specialty store and splurged on a bit thinking I might make myself a great jacket.  Popped it into the travel bins as soon as I bought it and kept layering stuff on top without checking.  So today while I was unloading, all my Kaffe stripes came out and they are simply MADE FOR working with this ikat.  There isn't a single on that doesn't look like it wasn't dyed to match.  Amazing.  Now I have to re-think a use so I can use it all together!
 This gorgeous hunk, which I could only afford one yard of, is second contender for doing something spectacular to show it off.  I bought it online thinking I'd make a top for myself but it's way too wonderful for that- now I have to plan something to see it in it's entirety rather than cut up into a front and back!  Damn, I find good stuff...
 Or actually sometimes I just HAVE good stuff!  Here are some of the components for the next actual quilt.  I have another 30's blue quilt I bought in Telluride years ago that doesn't do anything for me any more, so it's facing the 'alterations' table.  I think I bought it for the name of the pattern, 'Contrary Wife', than it's particular beauty.  Now it will have a second life as the second portrait piece.  Some day, stay tuned.  But go get a sandwich while you're waiting.
And finally, the collection of threads from Aurofil, which I've never tried because I just buy for color and end up with whatever is in front at the local shop.  There are also some embroidery threads I used for my copy of my granddaughter's first drawing of her and her mom (Didja see that, dear Anon???  Bet you won't bother to comment today!)  And some buttons I will probably try to eat one day they look so good.  And be advised that the large copper button front right WILL appear on something one day, and yes it may well be That Controversial Weed.  And not to ignore my new green goldfish necklace, as yet to be designed.  Aren't they cute?  Those came from an 'antique' 5&10 store in East Aurora' NY, the place I bought the packs of candy cigarettes my reunion weekend.  

Hmm, looking back over this stuff I guess I had a pretty lucrative 'collection' summer-  maybe it wasn't all wasted time afterall!  

So, Anon, how are you feeling today about me, or are you a champion of indoor bugs?  Hugs,  

1 comment :

Eva said...

There is nothing like own-drawers-archeology! This ikat really goes perfectly with the KFs -- or vice versa.
Have to confess that I switched off the typeface, so I could read it fast enough...
Your blog is always interesting, love to read it.