Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Smoke Cling Rolled

I know, I know-  I promised to keep the encaustic stuff covered and out of my head ('Outta sight, outta mind!') but alas I caved in and plugged in yesterday.  Within a few minutes the cupcake tins of wax were melty and smelling good and I thought I just do a l'il sumthin' since after all it was all ready to go and all.  Four hours later I emerged from a haze. Oh, I don't have anything to show for it but waxy buildup, but I did have a good time.  I left the studio with the printer instructed to print and the computer set for a couple of copies on the laser machine so hopefully today when I revisit it all I will be able to do some images transfers.  Maybe that will make it better?  Feh.

Back in February I sent of my Ironstone Book to be photographed for an upcoming specialty magazine on  artists books.  Within a few days it had arrived BROKEN but fortunately only the bottom so the thing could still be used.  And I never heard another word about it.  Flash forward to this summer when I realized it was still missing but didn't have the info on who to contact.  Needless to say that was amongst the first tasks to accomplish after getting back.  Eight months?  Seems a tad excessive to me!  Anyway, I didn't even have records of where it had been sent and I couldn't remember what the show was so I had to do a way-back search to find any evidence that it was even gone!  But I found it, sent off a WTF? email and got back an automated reply that the person of interest was on vacation and would contact me after she returned.  And yesterday sure enough she did.  Yes, they still have the book, yes it is fine and will be photographed in October (huh?).  Great.  Now at the very least I have the name of the woman to not lose again!  And it's still in the running to be Booked.  OR I guess Magazined, I don't know.

And another book I was to be included in was cancelled by the publisher, this is after I made a special piece for it. and fulfilled a bunch of diddly requirements  Not that I mind because the piece is winging it's way back to me now and I can do with it as I wish, like post a picture of it here!  But I am very disappointed for the author, who I know would have done a stellar job.  Anyway, my track record hasn't been too good lately in the books department. used to be I was in everything published, no more.
ahhh, I coulda been a contendah...  
Probably should hang up the gloves by now anyway.  Sigh.

(this is how I feel some days)

You've got to LOVE this purse.  It's made as a reaction to Paris Hilton's abandoned dog, Tinkerbelle-  an accessory-dog-purse.  The designer is James Piatt. and I think we have some things to talk about!  Right now, if you're holding some little dog that never touches the ground, PUT HIM DOWN.  Thank you from both of us.

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