Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Boisterous Illegitimacy

(Housekeeping Note:  Thanks to 2 commenters who gave me the name of the quilter of the piece I loved the other day:  Kathy Doughty from Material Obsessions in Australia.  I'm sending you both a bunny, and one for my new BFF in Oz too!)
.........................Watch for a little box with holes poked in the sides.....................
(I know, they are so tiny they look like chipmunks!)

Back at Work:  Yesterday I finished up the quilting and got the binding on 2 sides of the Offensive Quadrant, Yahoo!  I am so happy about this piece and that I see the end in sight.  This week has complicated itself immeasurably with 4 (count 'em!) FOUR dumb doctor's appointments so I probably won't have time for the hand work I need to do, but at least I know it's within reach.  

Also spent a few hours taking some photos of elderly work to use in a new project-  fun to see it in the light of day oops, I mean the 'light of fluorescents' again.  I love working on Sundays in my Industrial Park-  nobody there but me so Studio Dog doesn't have anything to bark at and it's so quiet I can hear the spiders roaming.

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