Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Integrate Bellamy

Today I get a mammogram.  

And that will end my marathon health quest for a few weeks.  Four appointments in one day last week and I'm WELL?  Geesh, this elderly thing is weird-  I see now why people live so long-  we get our exercise running from doctor to doctor!  Seriously, what this is all about is establishing new young doctors here in Florida  since I have basically phased out any old remaining docs in Massachusetts.  After today I will be all set for anything that befalls me short of gunshot wounds or falls from airplanes.

Yesterday I spent my studio day doing something FUN for a change.  I completely ignored my list of 'must-do's' and went right for a bunny had and mittens from the Purl Soho blog.  I had an old white wool blanket I have been using to pad my ironing board so the remnants of that were perfect for turning oneself into cute bunnies.  I'll take pictures when I get back to the kids this weekend, but for now, here's what I made, the directions are at the link above.
I made two, one purple and one pink and think they can be used for multiple holiday hopping for a 1 1/2 and a 3 1/2 year old.  Cute, eh?

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