Sunday, December 18, 2011

Last Day in Boston

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This is how Molly is spending her days while I'm gone.  The old Doggie Slammer ain't what it used to be.  Bet she's looking forward to coming home where there are free hard boiled eggs for the asking and rotisserie chicken on demand.
Are you crazy yet from watching this?  Scroll down and get it out of the page........

I'll wait.

Gone yet?  We're on our way home today, and I can't wait. I'm sitting here in full wool (like a 'Full Cleveland' but nothing is white) because it's 24 outside.  My blood is thin.  And I am miserable, not being a winter person in spite of the Buffalo/ Syracuse background, or more likely because of it.

I'm smuggling a pound of smoked salmon back with me, and desperately trying to talk TY into letting me actually check my bag so the TSA doesn't get to enjoy it instead of me.  Bet if I tell him what it cost he will relent, sure hope so because I am just not up for one of his rants at the idiots who screen us if they confiscate it.  UPDATE: Just made a deal-  seems the Patriots are on starting about over DC, and he wants to see the rest of the game when we land, so he gets to go to a bar while I go retrieve the bag!  A deal.

Well now, the QR quilt was gifted and they seemed pleased with the results.  Now I can finally post the whole thing on here so you know I actually finished it.  It's not an artistic coup for sure, that I'm saving for a different occasion, but as a guest bed blanket it's poifect.

And the other thing is that I got the Etch-s-Sketch iPad holder as a Christmas gift!  (See previous post announcing I wanted it!)  LOVE it!  Can't wait to haul it out on the plane today and show everybody in my immediate vicinity what a nerd I am!  I was such a failure at Etch-a-Sketch back in the day-  this is my retribution!

More to report but it has to wait-  I have relatives to visit, and dishwashers to run and bags to sit on!

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