Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Diffract Klein Anthracnose

On Adoptions at Advanced Ages:
So, on Sunday TY and I were headed out to catch 'The Artist' since we had a Oscar Party to go to that night and wanted to be able to discuss just one movie rather than keeping our mouths clamped shut.  He didn't want to go in the worst way, not believing a silent film could possibly hold his interest.  I'd read reviews and really wanted to see it, so played my Movie Card on him promising to go to his choice next time.  So, we were in the big outdoor mall heading fast to a sandwich and beer to tide us over when we stopped short at a dog who jumped on us.  The woman who had his leash wasn't paying much attention to him.  He sort of looked 'familiar' in a scruffy way so we asked if it was a Tibetan Terrier because sometimes you can't tell those Doodles in all their misc. forms from a Tibetan if their haircuts are short.  The woman had no idea, but said they were looking for a home for him.

 A reasonable facsimile of what he looks like, a bit scruffified, eh?. A tough guy from the streets.
A reasonable facsimile of Molly, with her hair grown out, a cupcake of a dog.


He was bouncy and friendly, he was dark and light gray, I felt him all over and he sure felt like a TIbetan and TY and I looked at each other and said we'd take him providing he would get along with our current fur commitment.  They were there from a  shelter but we didn't know that since they were out of their booth.  We really liked the dog and have been talking about when we will get another one, and what better way than a rescue?  I've filled out my application, I've gotten some references, and he is coming to see if he can get along with Ms. Molly either Thursday or Friday.  She won't adjust well after so long being an only child but hopefully she will suck it up and go with the program.  Wish me luck on this.  We're trying to find a new name-  he is currently 'Hercules' but we want to change it-  he didn't seem to respond to it at all, nor can he walk on a leash so our work is going to be cut out for us with this guy.  He seemed a bit ADHD...  but that may have been the mall and all the people and loud music.  We hope.  We are hoping Molly will do some disciplining on him like she does on every other dog who annoys her.  Max?  Mack? Pepper (because his coat looks like a bowl of crushed pepper AND in the movie the woman was originally known as Pepper until she became Pepi, then Peppy.  Seemed fitting.

Stay tuned for the next chapter-  I have to call right now to get a vet appointment and boarding for next weekend, feel terrible leaving him (assuming we even GET him, but cannot switch plans.

Oh yeah, I remember when we had that second kid-  the worry and planning and WORK didn't just double, it quadrupled!  Looks like I'm in for it now.

A little nudge to push you towards the 'in Stitches' magazine new issue, for any of the great articles written by the list below!    In addition we are running a little blog hop so you can see what we are all up to.  Today, go visit Barbara Schneider and leave a comment for her.  At the end of the day she will draw a name for a prize.  And then Nancy does it on Thursday and so on until next Monday when it's my turn.  Who doesn't want a PRIZE?  I know you do...

         Sandy Donabed

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