Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Optically Illuminated Blurb

Today I am taking the day off from anything too intensely bloggy, but wanted to thank you all for your comments and interest in Redwork or whatever else I've shown up with.  It's heartening to know I am doing more than just keeping a personal journal here and am successful in making a few people snicker or snort (you know who you are!) or even come up with a wry smile now and then- it makes it all worthwhile.

I have a whole lotta stuff on my plate these next few weeks.  We're going away Thursday and I was just reminded that I have a doctor appointment right at the time we must be leaving and putting the dog in the slammer.  How to do these things with one car and covering several miles each way is puzzling.  In addition, once we get back on Sunday we may or may not be taking in the new dog-  still batting the pros and cons around.  If it's a yes, we pick him up Sunday evening and get Molly back on Monday.  And on Monday I am also up for two weeks of jury duty.

Yup, here they call you for 2 weeks and you must call in every night for your assignment for the next day.  Could it have come at a worse time?  I can imagine a few 'worser' but don't want to go there.  Today I tried to tie up all the loose ends for the rehearsal dinner and the flowers for the centerpieces for the reception.  I sent a check off for the final payment for the rental house, and I spoke to the caterer and sent the contract for the dinner we're hosting.  I'm done with everything I can do up to this point, and now have to start working on the dress I have promised Hazel- it's been  long time since I've made a dress for a 4 year old, have no idea how to make it really the best dress she's ever had!  Oh yeah, and I must hem pants for myself too.  And buy copious amounts of dog food just in case...

And pay some bills.  And pack.  And find some handwork to take that will still be at a portable place for jury duty.  Sock knitting?  Probably.  One thing south Florida needs is another pair of wool socks.  They will go so well with my sandals.  So, off I go to the next round-  driving an hour north to meet friends for dinner tonight.  And that means a fill-up.  And that means the ATM.  And that means... you get the drift.  

more squirrels
they grow up so fast
without a peanut allergy.


Denise said...

Am I reading that you have pet squirrels?

Besides that, I live in NY, and when a jury summons arrives, one has the option to postpone the jury duty to another time. Perhaps that could work better for you.

Carol said...

I have to tell you how much I enjoy your blog!!1 You never fail to entertain me and have been the bright spot for many days this past year!! You inspire me to move forward and enjoy life as it comes, and I thank you.