If you can't paint, paint Big. (Audrey Flack)
The socially active Libra Full Moon occurs in your 3rd House of Immediate Environment, indicating that satisfaction may be found close at hand. But the Sun's presence in your 9th House of Adventure suggests that you're prepared to go the distance, if necessary, to experience pleasure. Fortunately, you don't have to choose one extreme over the other because your path will become obvious in the next few days.Indeed, NOT a horror today! And it whacks me across the rear end again- tonight Nate and Jackie are arriving here from Boston and we will turn the house into a staging area for the wedding for a few days. That's the close-at-hand satisfaction, and the House of Adventure will be the trip to Key West and the week long party coming up. Can't believe that the guy who writes these doesn't have a secret phone line to check on me...
Yesterday AGAIN, I spent standing on the stepladder pushing paper through the printer- I can reach it from the nice steady ground but this was card stock and would only take 11 sheets at a time and with that, needed some manual attentions to get it going. So I was on the ladder, but managed to get his whole job printed out in 2 hours, and I *think* it's the end. next I get to start on place cards for the rehearsal so SOME people don't accidentally get at the same table as SOME other people. It's so ridiculous- you'd think everybody could suck it up for one evening to celebrate and act like adults without being policed. But what can I say, middle-eastern vendettas run deep and all the participants have elephantine memories.
i ran all my outfits past TY last night and he so nicely pointed out which were too tight and which were boring, so I've whittled down the festivity outfits considerably- the rest of what I need for the week are jeans and tee shirts because after all, I may just have a parrot on my shoulder at some point.
a reasonable facsimile of me, love the beads
And you do know there will be a cigar roller at the reception? I'm hoping to get me a supply so I can sit around smoking' my stogies for the week instead of all the things that have been planned for me as activities. Hope I don't scare the new in-laws off too fast... but I really do want to be a real Conch- lets just say I am prepared with the wardrobe, like Cuban coffee, and sitting around watching people:
AND I am happy happy over this wedding. What could be better than spending the afternoons like this? Oh yeah, put a mojito into the picture because I AM going to have one. I might be able to forego the 10 cakes (though it will be hard!) but a mojito? Yes, Please!
not a reasonable facsimile of me except for the happy face part
This will be there first time I have stayed in the same house as my grandaughter and I'm afraid she may be seeing me in a different light, though I am told that mojitos improve ones sense of time and space to make them become like a 4 year old. I have a hula hoop for her, maybe I should go get another XL one for me too. We can use them with our squirt guns that we will refill in the pool and chase each other around the yard. Then we will paint stuff- I have a while bag of paint and glue ready to go, I will be the Super-Grannie of Mallory Square*. All thanks to a mojito (or seven.) Hope I don' fall on my face.

*Which, by the way, is not the same at all as Old Mallory Square. It's now sort of planned and clean and organized- I bet the acts need permits and there are trash cans around on a spiffy boardwalk with RAILINGS to keep us all from falling in the water. Or possibly keep the Cuban swimmers from getting out of the water, I dunno which. And mothers in big white sneakers with baby strollers. In short, no ocelots being walked on leashes in the sunset anymore. No big pet iguanas in bike baskets. No real people, just tourists bumping into each other and watching the guy who balances a bile on his head. I miss the old ways, glad I got to burn them into the memory banks.
1 comment :
So of course since you told us NOT to visit I did, and am enjoying the humor FAR more than the usual kvetching on the yahoo group! I'll take a mojito, too, and I don't even have a wedding to attend!
Cheers, Sarah
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