Saturday, January 19, 2013

loathed humbled overrule

Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. 
The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. 

I found one of those online statement generators and stuck in a few answers 
to questions and it spit out my New Statement here:

Sandy (°1944, United States) creates mixed media artworks. By demonstrating the omnipresent lingering of a ‘corporate world’, Sandy uses references and ideas that are so integrated into the process of the composition of the work that they may escape those who do not take the time to explore how and why these images haunt you, like a good film, long after you’ve seen them.Her mixed media artworks often refer to pop and mass culture. Using written and drawn symbols, a world where light-heartedness rules and where rules are undermined is created. By parodying mass media by exaggerating certain formal aspects inherent to our contemporary society, her works references post-colonial theory as well as the avant-garde or the post-modern and the left-wing democratic movement as a form of resistance against the logic of the capitalist market system.
(my favorite part is coming up next:) 
Her works are saturated with obviousness, mental inertia, clichés and bad jokes. They question the coerciveness that is derived from the more profound meaning and the superficial aesthetic appearance of an image. Through a radically singular approach that is nevertheless inscribed in the contemporary debate, she touches various overlapping themes and strategies. Several reoccurring subject matter can be recognised, such as the relation with popular culture and media, working with repetition, provocation and the investigation of the process of expectations.

I laughed my way through it, this is only about half!

Spent a few hours today in the studio (I know, what a surprise!) and I finally fibished and signed off the Leadville Twins.  Made the corrections and modifications and I'm happier with it and anxious to get off on the next one.  Wish I knew what the deal was with twins and their hold on me!

look carefully (start at the shoes and work up!)
(now do it again-  look for the shoes!)
Artist and camouflage extraordinaire Liu Bolin just opened a new exhibition at Galerie Paris-Beijing in Paris featuring a number of new works that depict the artist perfectly hidden amongst urban backdrops. Remarkably the effect is achieved without the use of special effects or Photoshop, rather Bolin is painstakingly painted head-to-toe by a group of assistants using photographs of the area behind him as a guide. “My intention was not to disappear in the environment but instead to let the environment take possession of me”, he says. 

LA-based photographer and composer Felix Salazar recently captured some wonderful macro photos of several inhabitants in his salt water aquariums. The shocking variety of color makes the coral look like digital renderings, but Salazar assures me each is a unique photo selected from hundreds of attempts to get just the right shot as he experimented with focus and light.

Nylon Journalmakes and sells fantastic fashion tights including ones printed with New York City Subway maps. They are available to purchase in black or white.  I'm just going to wait until I have varicose veins and follow my own red lines...

In the ghostly self portrait series “i’m not there,” Barcelona-based artist Pol Úbeda Hervàs digitally removed himself from the photographs, leaving only his shadow and his shoes.

There are three bread knives by Panorama Knife whose serrated edges are made to look like the mountain range outlines of the Swiss Alps. They cut bread like a charm.

As a commissioned project, Pennsylvania artist and dance instructor Jodi Harvey-Brown built a fantastic Star Wars inspired X-wing starfighter from pages out of a book. You can request and purchase her custom designs on Etsy.

And today's 'final final' picture.  I promise.  The winner of the best mug shot of 2012:
The Arizona woman, 45, “pictured” here was busted on a probation violation charge in May.

Only one more thing to say- and that is to watch the Patriots tonight. There I said it.  And yeah, it's really me believe it or not, the site has not been taken over by cyborgs.  Just watch the game with me.   

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