Sunday, February 17, 2013

emerson asilomar bray

Design your painting using small notan studies first... 
notan is the balance of light and dark in your painting. (Richard Robinson)

Note from Sandy:  I know I've been MIA lately, but life has been chaotic, but in a good way!  We finally made it out of Boston on our third try and luckily enough my friend was able to get on the same flight so she only missed one day of her planned vacation in sunny south Florida.  We landed in humid heavy weather with fog as far as we could see.  It got progressively worse every day until a full day of rain storms, one slightly better day with 40 mph winds, and then today with a temperature in the low 40's (!) Unheard of here.  Bummer for my friend who wanted only one thing from this trip and that was to spend time communing with the tides on the beach.  Didn't happen until yesterday but she came home with major sun and wind burn, poor gal.  TY said she was 'etched' by the sand and wind, not sunburned!)  At least her peeps back home will THINK it is sunburn from (perhaps_) volley ball on South Beach with the Kardashians or riding in a bass boats looking for pythons in the Everglades.  Hey, it COULD happen...

So, today, after over three and a half weeks away, I managed to get to the studio.  I was SO excited-  everything looked good because it was still picked up in in 'public' mode from the Open Studio right before I left.  Lisa and I were there to print her boarding pass but we had a problem with Adobe and it wouldn't work.  While we were fiddling, I got a call from a local friend who wanted to bring over her sister-in-law to see my stuff, so a bit later they arrived.  may you all have studio visitors with her enthusiasm!  She wanted to know about everything, asked a ton of questions and was interested in every aspect of what I do. Very cool to have her visit, hope she comes back again and again.

I was able to get a few small tasks done, things in preparation for a couple of more books I have my head around.  I discovered I was out of plain Gesso so had to use the encaustic gesso to prime some small boxes, especially the glass box I stole from Hazel last week, the EXACT box I havent' been able to find to replace.  
She had painted it with tempera blotches so I scrubbed off the excess and tried to cover it with the gesso so I can paint it to match the broken box- 
it's going to take a lot of fiddly work but I really want to 'fix' it and his box is exactly what I need to get the repairs underway.  So, since I am using encaustic gesso for these boxes I am fondling an idea of painting up the boxes with...encaustics...  Hmmm.  Hope to spend the better part of this week working on this and a few other things, including rolling the piles of quilts back up!

Delicate paintings appear inside garments by Emilie Faif. beautiful

Baby Elephant enjoying the Surf in Thailand

Goats Yelling Like People

The Muscle Skin Suit line is a collection of skin suits (and arm & leg warmers) for bicyclists that look like exposed muscle flesh. The line was designed by Warsaw-based designer Tomek Pietek

Tim Walker Photography   Go look at these amazing photos!

HORRORS:  It's challenging to get much finished today because everyone seems to have a different notion of what you should be doing. Additionally, matters are made worse if each person tries to convince you that his or her plan is better than yours. Meanwhile, you would rather continue unencumbered on your current path. Be firm but kind while asking others to let you figure out the day for yourself. Follow your instincts when deciding what to do next.

Okey dokey here-  This is one to discuss!  I guess I am sufficiently confused that this was installed at an art museum-  was there nothing else of enlightenment available?  Now I enjoy irony anda good joke with the best of them, even think the yellow paint part (read on!) is funny but the art part of me is not a happy part over this.  “Bad Dog” by Richard Jackson is a large-scale sculpture of a dog peeing on the Orange County Museum of Art. The sculpture is rigged to spray the side of the museum with yellow paint. It is part of Richard Jackson: Ain’t Painting a Pain, a Jackson retrospective at OCMA, February 17 to May 5, 2013.  

Just heard from Lisa and she got home OK in spite of the new Boston snow.  While on the tarmac waiting,  the plane next to her was The Donald's and next to that was AirForce One.  I can guarantee they weren't playing golf together!  But I decided that *I* need a private jet-  it would solve all my travel problems and the dogs would love it.  Who do I call?


Terry Grant said...

I can think of a few buildings that the peeing dog would enhance nicely. Maybe (speaking of the Donald) Trump Tower?

Anonymous said...

What ever were they thinking?
Some ideas may look good out in the garden behind the shed, but that doesn't mean they are in good taste when made large.
How did they get the funding for that?
I don't mind cheap humour when it is subtle.
Painting a pain, has the dog got a UT infection?
Is this permanent or only there while the exhibition is running?
Cheers Jan