Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. James Allen
Graphic designer and competitor for Best Dad Ever David LaFerriere has been drawing illustrations on his children’s sandwich bags since 2008. Lucky for us he photographs almost every single one, over 1,100 of which you can explore over on Flickr.
Great little article here about the history of paint tubes. Never Underestimate the Power of a Paint Tube | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian Magazine
Mugshots. Woven mugshots. Elaborate, meticulous, and absolutely stunning woven mugshots. LOVE!!! This is the work of American artist Joanne Arnett, and I am completely smitten. She’s still in the process of setting up her website, but I couldn’t control myself… I had to write about these NOW!!! So here’s how she does it – she weaves large scale portraits with wire so the face is visible when light bounces off it. The images shift, like a giant daguerreotype from positive to negative depending on where the viewer stands, or sometimes they completely disappear into the plane of fabric. I need to see these in person.
Using traditional textile techniques and vintage aesthetics Karen Casper injects contemporary technology producing exciting futuristic pieces that ultimately create an art and fashion crossover. Her work covers a number of genres; costume, editorials, gallery installations and commercial markets as part of her textile label. Karen develops and pushes samples, including her wonderful 3-D embroidery, which is an important part of her design process, mixing traditional techniques with new ones. Layering plays a key role in some of the designs, which not only includes the fabrics but the imagery which creates depth and additional meaning.
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