Monday, May 13, 2013

large pintail debtor

 "An artistic endeavour comes into the world naked, unnamed, and vulnerable."  Peter London 

Back to life as we knew it before this trip.

You're not ready to reveal too much about what's on your mind today because your words can't convey the subtlety of what's happening. Taking time for things to settle down enables you to make smarter choices about how much to verbalize. Until you know for sure, it's wiser to err on the side of discretion. You can always say more later. However, once you start to open up, you won't be able to take back what has been said.  Horrors.  Maybe this isn't the day to blog?

So, laundry in the washing machine, need to get at least one load in the dryer before I head out to the studio so here I am killing time again.  Most of my friends have left the state to go north- usually Mother's Day is the cutoff but there are still a few hangers-on plus a pretty good selection who stay here year round.  I'll see them tomorrow at our little stitch n' bitch group which we keep going for the summer.  It feels so good to be home even if putting things away is a pain!  

I've sent off entries, I've vacuumed the studio, I ironed and flattened all the pages to the book I had to abandon 2 weeks ago, and I got some promised images out but I am thinking  maybe I screwed up Dropbox again.  All there is to eat here is some old jerky, chipotle flavored, so my mouth is on fire.  

Next I am headed out to see if I can find some really cool yarn, I need to start a worthy project and set this linen scarf aside-  didn't like it when I started it, certainly don't want to continue if I know I won'[t use it.  Guess I'll unknit for the next few days, and make linen balls until something appears to make with it.  Thought you'd like to see a new picture of me back home again. You can be guaranteed this wasn't taken in the Netherlands.  And it was hard finding a kennel for Arthur here.  See him smile now that I'm home?  Gotta run, he needs some chickens.

Squirrel Ice Sculpture
cool, as we say.

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