Thursday, June 06, 2013

salivate rico imminent

Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for love of it.  
Henry David Thoreau

HORRORS:  Your daydreams may be subtle today, yet they grow more colorful and vibrant if you share them with someone else. Unfortunately, you may give up too easily now because your idealistic goals seem just beyond your grasp, leading to frustration. Remember, you feed your own anxieties by creating unrealistic expectations. Focusing on your vision rather than your progress empowers you to avoid self-doubt.  Ya think?

Chipping away here at all the monkey wrenches that have tried to stop my wheels.  The intercom guy showed up on time and brought a fat friend so play off of-  they thought they were either the Marx brothers OR Groucho and brothers an kept getting their routines mixed up with each other. Unbelievably they were able to get the intercom buzzing and squawking in short order.  Today I took back the rental car and retrieved my giant washing machine car-  apparently the brakes had rusted from disuse, which I had never heard of before.  But after I picked it up I filled it with gas and headed up to Ipswich.  Oh, the disaster of the day was that my daughter has the flu and needed help with the kids so she slept and I kept them busy for the afternoon, took them out to lunch and for ice cream.  
And silly faces.

Then back home to continue making their ocean with the islands...yuk. 
To get home before traffic gridlock I had to leave by 4.  I was too late and hit it all so pulled off the road to look for a curtain for my new room-  got home at 7.  Again I am beat and unable to move anything below my neck!  

So, tomorrow I wait for the AC guy who is supposed to be here at 7:30.  Swell, I'll have somebody to drink my coffee with, just hope he doesn't know any comedy routines.  After that I am meeting Jackie to go hunt up some yarn for her to crochet with-  she mentioned Michael's which recently opened in town here, but I think I want to take her to a real yarn shop. No sense putting the work in on mediocre materials I always say.  Tropical Storm Andrea will visit tomorrow too so I hope we can get our shopping stuff done before it hits.

The Griz Coat from Shravan Vidyarthi on Vimeo.

ahhhhhhhhh, Spring!

Ahhh, rain she is a'comin'.  Rats.

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