Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art Leonardo da Vinci
8. Make Art Donations. Artists are always the first people to be asked for donations of artwork. Most nonprofit and arts organizations raise funds by auctioning donated art. Donating art can be very helpful to artists who are at a point in their career when the uppermost need is to get their work out into the community. For these artists, fund-raising events can be useful. However, every artist reaches a time when he or she needs to be increasingly selective about donations for benefits and auctions. So remember, donating art for fund-raising events is a useful way to bring your work before the public, to build up your resume, and to make important contacts in the community. But you invariably will reach a time when you will stop giving your work away to these types of events.Museum donations are another matter. Few museums have large budgets for buying art. At least two thirds of museum collections come from donations by artists, collectors, foundations, or businesses. Most museums will accept donations from artists directly. However, for those museums that are restricted from accepting art directly from an artist, you can contact one of your collectors and give that collector a piece to donate. It is worth it to you in the long run.There are several reasons for getting into the habit of making donations to museums. The most obvious reason is to build up your resume, and nothing looks more impressive than a long list of museum collections that have your work. A less obvious reason for a donation to a museum is to introduce your artwork and yourself to the museum's curators. As you go through the process of contacting curators, following up and helping them select a piece of your work, you will get to know them and even develop a relationship with them. What an effective way to expand your circle of contacts in the art world! An artist I worked with recently made a donation to a museum and by the time she was done with the process, she has been invited to show her work at the museum.After you have donated a piece to a museum, do not be shy about asking for a personal tour of the collection. Most curators are proud to show it to you. Also make sure that their library has an updated file on you.
Another day at the studio- I got the HAIR done, I got the SHOES done, I got the face drawn on the left twin, and both gals are pinned in place. I am so happy that it's moving along. The biggest accomplishment was doing the two pairs of sunglasses- so far so good, they look like they are reflecting. I took a tiny picture and stuck her on my Facebook page:
But for some reason PhotoStream never brought it to this computer even though the other images made it. Now to just keep it like it is without messing it up with stitching. And to figure out how to add some shading so they don't look like they both have UNI-legs. I have several choices but I just need to think it through before I commit. Might mean I don't finish it this week but I'm gonna give it the old best effort.
Bitchy Resting Face- this finally puts a name on my disorder, in fact if you knew me in the 60's, you may think that this girl kinda looks like I did back then, at least the top half of her head, maybe. I've suffered with Bitchy Resting Face since I was 10. Really, I'm not bitchy, it's the disorder! Really.
(Sandy's Aside: This is like the van we drove to Montreal in about in 1970. We went with Diane and Pam who were a long time couple but weren't 'out'. We all knew it, but they were fun and funny and we didn't push for a 'confession'. They finally came out to us on this trip when we were camping on a deserted lake in a rain storm and all I could hear were bears. That was the last time I went camping, and I do not miss it.) Oh, their van wasn't wooden.
Lee Stoetzel carves fast food, life-size VW buses, vintage Mac computers, and even fine art from wood, recalling iconic objects, and ironically, examining worn-out symbols or ideas in contemporary art, initially cultivated from the likes of Chuck Close, Rube Goldberg, and Claes Oldenburg.
(UPDATE: I got a message today from a guy who found his beautiful print of ravens on a post of mine HERE. I have since gone back and added his attribution and want to direct you to his Etsy site where it came from. I didn't take the time to source it before, just 'found' the image floating around on one of my raven-sites. Bad Me. So, go look at his stuff HERE because it is way good.)
Squirrel Kissing Dinosaur
Squirrel Doing Tonsil Check
Squirrel CPR
Squirrel CPR

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