A man who works with his hands is a laborer;
a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman;
but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist.
Louis Nizer
Stayd up to the we hours last night weaving in ends, then blocking it so this morning it is completely finished. I'm leaving it spread out for the day to make sure it's completely dry before I wrap it up. Then, last night, because I still had a good portion of Episode 6 of Downton Abbey to go, I hauled out another project- a tee shirt sort of sweater I can keep by the chair for episodic tv! This one will be good, little counting, nothing fancy until I get to the top where the stitches change. No big deal, but I love the yarn and didn't ant to interrupt it with cables or intricate lacework. (as if)
So today I have a renewed sense of accomplishment and the future looks bright and shiny. By now you know that as I get close to completion on something things get pretty tense around here- I HATE whatever it is I'm working on, HATE the day I started such a stupid project, know that whoever it's
intended for will HATE it even more. Once I slam it on the design wall and take it's final picture I begin to regain some self-confidence Sick, I know. Next I call the repair shop to find out where my sewing machine might be~
And that brings me to the opeing picture yesterday- remember?
It's apparently also on pillows and totes: The design is byRosanna Geissler who goes by Rosie G Embroidery. You can probably contact her through her Facebook page. Okey dokey, housekeeping taken care of!
Australian Megan Puls Ceramic Art
From her statement: As I see it.
Adding metaphors and personal icons.
Challenging techniques.
Evolving through mixed clay mediums.
It’s all here.
Colour, shape, culture, history.
Contrive, construct, control.
The past moulding the future.
Claes Oldenberg with a toothpaste tube in Chicago. Looks like this was before he had folks to haul stuff for him, we can identify!
This is kind of special- the son of friends of mine, and a former student in one of my art classes, produced this new movie, now released. From the reports I am getting it's very good and I plan on seeing it as soon as it finds it's way down the coast. Check your listings, it's in theaters now:
FInally, something cool for your kid's walls, or your own if you are nuts about Mickey:
Whew, that could get pricey!
Plus you might just unintentionally entertain the neighborhood:

1 comment :
memories on the way,way back thing.
We called it the 'back in the back'. said fast.
Some day I will tell you (too long for a blog comment) about going from Ohio all the way to California up to Seattle and back around to Ohio in a car quite like that one...with a family of 8. ;-)
Then we moved to Maine, and I don't think my dad has been on vacation since. LOL only he said it was because Maine was Vacationland and why go anywhere else.
Sandy in the UK
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