A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.
Kurt Vonnegut(Sirens of Titan, 1959)
Right after I wrote my birthday post and saved it for the next day to publish, something dreadful happened to my inter-webs and I was left out hanging with no homepage. But one needs a search engine in order to talk to one's provider or to change passwords or any number of things. I was in blogger-hell for two days- calling Google on the phone- have you ever tried that? It's not possible. Calling Comcast- yup, I got a text-call and I talked to THREE different Indian women over a three hour period trying to finish changing my password but they wouldn't do it because two weeks ago we had the Boston account changed from my name to TY's so he could order a new cable box. Yeah, I had to go to the office and change the name so HE could make those arrangements. I've had Comcast since they took over for some other company in the mid 90's- a followup and upgrade from dial up AOL. Always in my name, I paid every friggin bill and they wouldn't let me change my password. Grrrrrrr. So today I went to the Mac repair guy I've been using for ALL my new hard drives and in six minutes I had my Google back (he had to download it from another computer), my passwords changed on three different accounts and which are all similar and memorable. Who the hell wants to break into my Comcast mail anyway? Whatevah, I am again in business. And the guY said he's never seen that before. But I still had to pay him.
TY flew in late the night before my birthday and surprised me- luckily I didn't have a gun on the house at midnight o'thirty as I got awakened with SOMEBODY in the courtyard! And he lived to tell about it.
So, he's been here 2 days now, and I am having FUN going out to dinner for a change. Tonight we are having friends over too so that will be fun. But I haven't gotten to the studio, haven't sewn but a few minutes on the quilt, and am barely keeping up with dishes. I've been spoiled. But tomorrow it's back to life as I know it and I will head for the studio to spend some time. I have some decisions to make about what to enter where, and then to actually get off my chair and DO IT.
5. Split your art projects into smaller pieces
Always break big, overwhelming projects down into smaller bits. It’s usually easy to maintain your enthusiasm when you’re working on small pieces rather than the whole.
I love the languid beginning and enthralling ends of making art pieces, but often find I need to limit the middle to short bursts in the studio. (It reminds me of long childhood car trips when we would ask, usually about every 15 minutes, “Are we there yet?!?”)
Don’t set yourself up to be overwhelmed by expecting to produce too much at any particular work session. You’ll enjoy the work better and have a more consistent experience of satisfaction if you accomplish large projects in smaller bits over time.
Felter Skelter, ZOË WILLIAMS "Spirits, sacred creatures, and phantoms from the dream world inhabit my work. They are the intermediaries that connect us with the (inner) realm of the collective unconscious and the (outer) kingdom of nature. -
Emily Eibel is a mixed media artist based in Brooklyn, New York.
She uses applique to great effect, creating vignettes and pictures that are both charming and slightly macabre. Both o these artists were recently featured by Mr. Xstitch.
She uses applique to great effect, creating vignettes and pictures that are both charming and slightly macabre. Both o these artists were recently featured by Mr. Xstitch.
And a birthday squirrel doing his Cirque du Soliel routine.
And with that we are back to routine and dont' have to think about birthdays for 364 more days- that'll give you time to find me some more squirrels.
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