Monday, September 23, 2013

shrinks squawked retrograde

I wish you to be persuaded that success in your art 
depends almost entirely on your own industry.  Joshua Reynolds

artist Sandrine Pelletier's thread portraits, and, below, her large scale horses

Sandrine Pelletier at galerie Rosa Turetsky. The three galloping horses were created using suspended wool coated in black latex and tar, resulting in a stark contrast between the chaotic lines of the figures against the white gallery walls. From some angles the horses are unrecognizable, but even when brought into focus appear to be haphazard, almost violent illustrations. See much more on her website.

 A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor. 

Amsterdam-based designer Monique Goossens has recently created a fun and wacky typeface out of human hair. This interesting typeface is constructed out of strands of hair gathered together. Each clump of hair is shaped to form a letter in the alphabet. 
Goossens' work is playful, surprising and turns something mundane into something creative. 

Talking of 'lace', I found these amazing detailed  stippling tattoos from Japanese artist Kenji Alucky that merge various aspects of fractal art and tribal tattoos into something pretty amazing. Alucky is currently in NYC at New York Adorned through November 20th.

Squirrel Reenactors?  Looks like they have had arm extensions.

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