Saturday, May 03, 2014

thuggism trample disciple

Good Advice

You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.   Saul Bellow

Still making little hexagons, still working on the floor plans-  life goes on.  Today TY is headed for Miami so I have a whole free day to get things done or not do anything- we'll see what shakes out as the day progresses and it gets light out!  We have a sudden flurry of dinner dates as people are leaving for the northlands and want to say goodbye, and another one tonight.  I've taken to the old salad-and-fish routine so I can fit in my pants which are getting progressively tighter as summer approaches.  

But you don't care about that, you care about ART, right?  Let's go-

Madrid-based artist Sara Landeta is currently working on a series of birds painted on the backs of unfolded medicine boxes. You can follow her work on the ongoing series on Facebook and on her blog.

Next I have a bunch of oddities that have captured my imagination lately, and they need a home!  We'll start with some warm-and-fuzzy dictators.  Yea Photoshop!
 Chunlong Sun has given the world’s most notorious politicians and dictators a softer side with a somewhat creepy-but-cool photo series. The Chinese photographer and digital retoucher used people who had the same body characteristics as the dictators, snapped their photos, then took the leaders from other photos ‘and fairly seamlessly made composites’.

A very cool chair made to hold your library-  the shelves extend all the way around but it doesn't have a cupholder...

Simple is best-  a lovely little felt bowl that unfolds flat for mailing.  Found on easy.  They have a whole bunch in leather that they will dye to match any Pantone color too.

KISS at work-  simple cement block planter installation.  Perfect for little succulents.

Don't mess with the SquirrelCycle!

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