Monday, December 11, 2006

Festive Masque Composition

Made it home in time for my temporary crown to fall off in a mouthful of Eskimo Pie, so I am really feeling sorry for myself because I can't eat or drink with out shooting pains, or as they used to say, "I saw stars.", but these aren't the good stars. Friggin 27 degrees the other day had I had to keep my mouth closed while walking the livestock.

But I found the Christmas box in the storeroom and have decked my halls- this year it consists of a pile of gold candles on the table and a pile of glass ornaments on a tray in the livingroom- the idea behind this festivity is that I can simply stuff it all back in the Christmas box after it's all over.
Meanwhile a quick check of my social calender shows that not a single human being will see it except for the condo board meeting here next Monday, and my own kids who are pissed that I am not getting a tree. (I told them I would if they would go with me to get it, help me decorate it, and then be there to help disassemble the damn thing on Christmas Day so TY and I can get out of town.) Suprisingly, I had no takers. So, if you're in the neighborhood, stop by- but don't expect anything to eat because we are living off canned tunafish and old frozen bread scraps until we get back to Florida.

The dentist can see me at 4- damn, that means no food until tonight, and I really really need some coffee. Maybe if I let it cool down to body temperature it will be OK- today's experiment. I'll post tomorrow when I am well fed and have my tooth installed and all will be right with the world- meanwhile check the last post for the links because there are some good ones in spite of it taking me days to get it fixed up.

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