Friday, December 08, 2006

Up All Night Surfing

I promise to add more info and clean these up into some sort of order tomorrow- for now I am just collecting stuff that grabs me at 3AM. Always have trouble sleeping before a flight, and it doesn't help that there is a **high aviation alert** happening this week.

Table for your iPod, and wouldn't Liberace have loved this? Maybe with one of those DWR clear plastic candelabras.

Tapemeasure Belt- what a bad idea for people who actually eat.

Holster without the attitude

FauxFox and I want it NOW! (I can remember my great aunt wearing the real thing back in the 50's and I was fascinated. I guess I can get just as fascinated by felt these days. But I would add some beaded eyes...

Biojewelery, so you can make your loved one wear a piece of yourself on the outside. No thanks.

Figurines--- unfortunately are returned from the dead

Cool Camera Ring

Oh, the lobster is the link- it's not very clear, is it? A very expensive way to kill 'em

Fleece Dog The whole idea here is to make little dogs out of your own dog's fur or hair, or you can use purchased fleece. I bought the book at the New England Quilt Museum yesterday thinking I would give it as a gift but when I got home and looked through it, no way! It's mine, all mine. And now I wil start making a herd of doggies with their directions. The book isn't yet on Amazon, but watch for it.


Anonymous said...

Cute doggies. Is there a Sheltie version? And when will we see a fleece Molly?

Sandy said...

Funnily enuf there IS a Sheltie version and it so happens I can get some Sheltie hair from my neighbor I am sure. But I am going to start with the Tibetan- figure if I brush her every day it will be a full size dog model by Christmas.