Sunday, December 03, 2006


No posts for quite a few days, eh? So I am out of town, actually sort of licking my wounds over my poor turnout for the gallery talk but the trip was planned long before the talk was scheduled. Oh well. It will all be over soon and I can roll up my 'tent' and scurry on home with it under my arm.

So Florida is pretty hot and sticky and I have been very busy running errands and shoppeing and eating ouyt for a few days. It has to stop now though because my money is gone and basically I have e*v*e*r*y*t*h*i*n*g I could possibly want, much stuff that I could happily unburden myself from, and very little in the need department. I found presents fro my two grand-dogs and had tapas under the stars at a wine bar.
I drove to the beach, installed the Mac's Airport, and ate Vitello Milanese. I like the new outdoor furniture I had ordered sight unseen but think it's one piece too many- still, it's nice to have room for a few other people after all these years. So much about this 'overview'. Ralph had a grand time in Mexico teaching yoga- arrived back last night a bit jet-lagged from a 2 hour harrowing cab ride through the jungle, a short plane ride across the Carribean to Miami, and another 2 hour harrowing ride up to Jupiter on I-95.

So, today I am shaking my vodka with my lemon rinds and watching it turn the color of fresh urine. In another few days it will be flourescent yellow in color and time to add the sugar water and bottle it up.

This all started when I realized I am down to 2 small bottles of Limoncello because I haven't made it for two years. The last two years of hurricanes have played havoc with my tree, but this year's mild summer has brought it back to amazing production again.

In fact I am a little worried that it may have gotten some growth hormones by mistake.

And now I must get to work while my friend Lisa is at the beach and I have a few minutes to do my paperwork.

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