Tuesday, December 05, 2006

And Time Goes By

So, I left last time with Lisa at the beach and me trying to do some paperwork, right? Well, TY was feeling worse and worse so I walked him around and finally at 2 decided he needed to be in the emergency room so off we went. There was no one there and as soon aas he mentioned 'chest pains' he was usheered into his room. In fact by the time I parked the car and was back in the ER he was being tested. He had x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and finally an ultrasound before they found the culprit- a 'nasty' gall bladder. They tied him down and told him he was staying there for surgery aas soon as they could do it. Well, it was the next evening before they got it together so I spent the day racing back and forth between the ER and home. Finally they wheeled him out of the room at 2 PM to go to the OR, so I went home to wait. Here is a reflection of my hubcap on the parking lot- very cool, eh?

Oh, I digress, don't I? ANYway, he didn't get actually into the OR until 7 PM so my calls to the nurses station were getting pretty frantic by 9 since I thought he had been in since 2! But at 9 he called me from his room and all was well, the offending organ in the 'hazardous waste' bin. Thanksgod this didn't happen one day earlier in the Mexican jungle! But today I watched him get better every hour and he will probably be released tomorrow.

All my running around was to get my plane tickets moved a few days, then to get the dog covered, and some appointments cancelled. I also did a good food shopping so I can make some things for his recuperative time here after I leave and before he comes back in another week.

Artwork? WHAT artwork? I finished the diagonal lace scarf in the hospital last night- it's OK, but not a knock-out. It sure was a great project to keep my mind busy though. Here she is after blocking: Sorry for the absolutely crappy out-of-focus picture. I used some wool sock yarn for this, and the pattern was from Knitty.com last month I think. I do have to say it drapes beautifully.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I'd hate to see what you would make if he ever has open-heart surgery. that is a beautiful, huge scarf. It better drape nicely!