Friday, December 22, 2006

Permeable Failure Gob

Dali and Cute Friend

So, two nights ago TY got feeling that we need to have some friends over for dinner so he got to pick one and I got to pick one. We called them right away and they said 'sure' and I got to work immediately with my books. Seems that out of the 4 people invited we had one vegetarian, one that never eats red meat, one that won't touch fish and loves red meat, and the fourth that is allergic to duck- NOT a problem! So, the choices were pretty straight- I could make pasta that possibly they would all eat, plus if I have enough wine all will be well.

Appetizers were the best prociutto and Buffalo mozzarella on crostini, and another platter of olive tapanade and cipolini onion dip with a piece of vegetarian pate. Something for everyone.

Then for the first course I made eggplant roltini, shrimp scampi, and a huge platter of roasted peppers and baby artichokes. The red peppers had fresh white anchovies and the orange had fresh tarragon. Also I had a salad of fennel and oranges with paper think Bermuda onions on a bed of arugula. And a good crusty bread. So far, so good.

The main course was porcini ravioli with a wild mushroom ragout.

And dessert was a poached pear with a scoop of vanilla gelato and a ladle of poached dried cherries and blueberries. Not a sticky plate was left. And as I was cleaning up last night I discovered five empty bottles of wine- considering I had only one glass to assure that I would get stuff to the table, it left a lot for the others. I think they left happy at 11 PM on a school night.

And Molly behaved too, but I expect that of a well-bred Tibetan (see above).

The last few days I have been knitting up some of my discount yarns from the Classic Elite warehouse. I styarted out with one pattern but switched in the middle of the back to another pattern, then decided I wanted a cardigan rather than pullover so designed the front pattern as I was starting the ribbing. Since I wrote it out on the back of one of my collages, I have to recopy, and check my calculations while at it! I will be short of yarn but think I can make it work by doing shorter sleeves which I like anyway. This is now ready to take on the 3 day ride to Florida so it should be done when I get there.

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