Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Inertial Drawbridge Raid

Religion is everywhere. It is in the mind, in the heart, in the love you put into what you do. Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1841-1919

So, how could you justify a Christmas tree made from Mountain Dew bottles?

I was trying to load the collage images I finished up today onto my work site, A Muse Ments, but blogger apparently is off duty for now. Will try later.

So, instead, I will give you a little somethng to waste some spare moments on:
Create a Snowflake

Be a Painter

Spell Your Name (I love this one, but I can't show you because of blogger's current image problem) Feh!

I am headed out to my crit group tonight to show them the new collages and ask for advice on hanging mechanisms. Right now I am leaning to velcro on a stick- we'll see what they say.

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