Friday, January 12, 2007

Cottonmouth Firecracker Belief

Visited Home De(s)pot yesterday to grab some plants for my empty pots on the deck. So, here is the newest acquisition, a gorgeous golden hibiscus with a deep red center:

It joins last years white plant with the same deep red center(with apologies for the out of focus picture):

And complements my two-year old purchase of the deep orange that seems to be thriving on neglect- my kind of plant!

I also bought a ton of dirt to refill the big cement pot I was trying to get rid of, then planted it with some healthy looking herbs and moved it nearer to the door so I can reach them when needed. For some reason I haven't planted herbs the last few years and miss them so looks like I am back in the business again. Basil, cilantro, thyme, flat leaf parsley, & oregano. Hope I find a good rosemary too but HD didn't have any that didn't look shop-worn. Spagetti sauce is just around the corner.

I also picked up three of these little blue-eyed daisies for the rehabbed maple syrup cans. I don't like blue at all but these were so darling I couldn't resist- besides, they are just annuals and won't be around long.

And a closer picture:

And finally, I promise, my last picture of my tremendous lemons this year- I already have a gallon of juice in the refrigerator, and a gallon baggie of lemon cubes frozen in the freezer, not to mention more limoncello that a human can use. If you need lemons, give me a call- the tree is so laden the branches are hanging down.

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