Friday, January 05, 2007

Flotilla the Brake

Cleaning out the files today, and came across a blog I *thought* I was using but the last entry was in August- axed it with no regrets. But there were a few things on it to keep so here they are again.

I can't remember where this came from but it seemed like a keeper, sure am guilty of a few of these. So, if it was lifted from you or you know where it was circulating, give me a clue and I will rectify my sticky fingers.

Also, here is an old photograph I played around with. I had bought it at a flea market on one of my hours away from the nursing home while visiting Buffalo- it is taken even before my time, but the classroom looks like any I was in through my elementary years. And oh, the desks...

inally for this morning, here is a collage I did using transfer tapes, not a method I particularly liked, but it would work well in some applications I am sure. This features an old cookbook I had from the 30's and some images I had been saving. the border designs are the back covers of an art magazine, work I really liked but had to make unrecognizable in order to 're-appropriate'.

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