Saturday, May 26, 2007

Gothically Incised Incunabula

Today I am doing CAPES, but not this kind

Cape Cod

or this kind

Cape Town.

THIS kind!

Glamarama Knitting, and there are directions available as a PDF!

Terehnee Dragons Blood Cape. No directions, you're on your own here. With spikes. yikes.

Here is a selection of costumes with CAPES appropriate to your Memorial Day SuperHero party. Might I suggest that the guy who is roasting the wienies takes off his CAPE until the charcoal burns down?

And this is why Bollywood won't ever be a player in this country. Please note the shadow on the floor as they are flying, and that is even before they start the dancing and howling!

Little Capers I have searched high and low for a picture of my son at about 3 in his Underroos and Batman cape wearing his red plastic rain boots. He absolutely WAS a super hero. Can't find it anywhere- he probably stole it from my bulletin board when I wasn't looking. Damn them when they turn 30- they get all uppity.

How-to make your CAPE invisible.

Want to make your own? You can make it Big or make it Small- try this for the patterns:

Or check out Fuzzy Mittens etsy shop for these adorable teensy patterns for CAPES for your furry friends:

BATMAN FOREVER film review.

ZORRO book review.

Batman and Robin up for adoption this weekend in the Bay area!

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