Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hey, Maybe There's Something to This Afterall

This is before we even opened the wine.  But here we are, the Crit Group, going on about 25 years now, though no one can remember when we started.  Top row standing:  Carol Grotrian, Sandeedee and her extra chin, Barb Crane's eyes, Sylvia Einstein, and Judy Becker.  Seated:  Linda Behar and Nancy Crasco.  We can't believe we are all still (mostly) intact, we are all still with our original husbands, and no one has moved away (except for seasonally).  Most of us now do other things besides just quilts and that has opened up all sorts of new roads of discussion.  I cannot believe how lucky we are to have this sort of support.  The odd thing is that we really don't socialize much with each other-  maybe that contributes to the importance of keeping it a working group.  

Carol worked up a very interesting presentation about our group that she presented for the first time to our local guild.  I hope she hs the opportunity to give the talk to other groups around who might be interested.  If you're a program chairman, or know one, put the bug in her ear.  It's very good-  one of our meetings was devoted to seeing the preview.

I didn't want to jinx it, but I got my first big-quilt internet sale so I am hereby apologizing to all that I have said it's not a great way to sell.  I've sold a lot of smaller pieces off my website but the larger pieces aren't flying out the door.  This isn't just MY experience- it's sort of like selling from a craft booth where you have to have lots of small affordable stuff to catch the disposable income, then one customer comes along that wants to hang quilts in every room of her new house.  

The guy found me on another website and dropped me a note.  We corresponded for awhile and finally figured out how to manage a sale of an unknown thing to an unknown person by an unknown seller!  I mailed it off to someone I know in his city and he went and picked it up today.  I gave him a discount because he is new to quilts and took the initiative to seek it out, but all is well in Sandyland tonight.  Oh, it was 'Sylvia's Circles' that sold-  here it is:

And isn't it great that I have converted a new person to the Secret Quilt Admiration Society?  Frankly I have always liked the simplicity of this one-  those of you who know me know that simplicity ain't my thing!  

And here are three more in the series so I will haul out these jpgs for you. Seems as I cut out the squares and circles I kept adding new fabrics to flesh out the values, but in no time I ended up with many more units than one quilt could absorb so I kept going and ended up with these four pieces that were photographed and several others that didn't get that far or were made into crib sized quilts. Anyway, this was a very fun exercise to do, and now it's paid off.  And used up miles of fabrics.

Almost a Drunkard's Path but instead it's called 'DUI'.  I never quite finished it.  Maybe it will be The Shroud of Newton someday.

This one is 'Circles Banner' and huge, even too long to use as a runner on my table unless it's extended to a full 90" length, and even then it flops on the floor.  

And finally, this one, 'Spiral', sort of an oddity, has turned out to be my favorite.  I started appliqueing the green and orange Dolce y Gabbana fabric remnants carefully in the spiral on the pieced top.   But one night I was tired and had a bunch of squares to put back on the design wall so I could go to bed so tossed them up.  By morning I re-did the arrangement and unleashed all the carefully planned connecting fabric lines, cut right through the long spiral and finished piecing.  Now I love the jumpy free-form spiral.  Again, almost minimalist for me!  This one hangs in my outside hall, like I didn't know what I was doing and it must be exiled.  Go to your TIME OUT place!

I started on some smaller scale pieces (in the range of 2' to 4') to have ready for the New England Quilt Museum in late fall because I am going to be their 'featured artist' in December.  The display space is up high and not too wide so I thought some smaller pieces might  work well, plus it's incentive to get my ass off the computer chair.  So, that's all from this corner for now.  

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